January’s Wolf Moon is a time for self reflection. Getting to know yourself. What you want. What you think. Where you want to go. Who you want to be. A great way to figure these things out is to actually spend time with yourself. This next month, try spending some alone time with yourself.
Alone time is just as simple as it sounds. Take even just 10 minutes every day to be alone. Do anything you want! Whatever you are needing that day. Need some meditation? Perfect. Need a warm bath? Don’t forget some epsom salt. Want to take a walk? Make sure you wear good shoes. It can be something you’ve never done before or it can be a comfort activity. You can do something different everyday or you can have a set alone time routine.
This is YOUR time. There is no “wrong” thing to do. No “bad” or “unproductive” or “boring” or “dumb” thing you can do during this time. You get to choose what and where alone time means to you. But take the time. You deserve to spend some time with yourself. Continuing to get to know yourself. Participating in activities that bring you some peace and/or joy.
Remember. You deserve to care for yourself, inside and out. Take that time. You are incredible. You can do it. Have a wonderful Wolf Moon! I love you.