Take a moment.
Get in a good place where you feel comfortable.
Take a breath as you look inside yourself.
What are you holding onto that may be limiting your growth?
What is stopping you from living the life of your dreams?
I have been asking these a lot lately and really looking to see the things I do in my day to day life that may be holding me back. Whether that be in living my dream life, or feeling the power and love for myself.

One of the things I have been struggling recently was my own hair.
Hi, I'm Chelsea Mahala, a hairstylist in Utah... I specialize in blondes and rainbow colors.
And I absolutely love what I do!
The idea that someone would trust me to change anything about their hair.... That is a trust and bond that is priceless. A true honor to be your stylist.
Act of Trust - Choosing me to cut your hair.
I want to talk about haircuts today and really dive into them, because they hold a power that I have just dipped into myself.
I have just recently cut my hair up to my collarbone. The shortest I have cut my hair since I was eight years old, It's been a while that I had chosen to cut my hair out of choice, rather than necessity
I first got the desire to cut my hair when I was in a state of emotion distress. I was stressed, overworked, confused, and a whole lot of emotions and I wasn't in control. I knew then as I know now, that making such a big decision to cut my hair in that emotional state, wasn't a good idea. I knew I wasn't ready, so I pushed off the decision.
Months later the idea came up again. I was in a better state of being and was riding high in life. That is when I booked the appointment, and that gave me six weeks to be able to think and breath and really accept what I has decided to do.
A haircut, to me, was a huge decision. I was letting go of a toxic belief that my worth depended on the length of my hair. The longer my hair was..... the more beautiful I would be. I needed long hair....
Cutting My Hair was Letting Go of the Belief.
Holding onto that belief wasn't benefitting me. Hell, I got jealous of all my clients that would cut their hair without stress or worry. "Oh it grows back". Was one of the most common things I would hear, and I would instantly agree with them.... Because your hair always will grow back. (alopecia not always included).
Yes, it takes that time to grow back, but it will grow back.
Even knowing this, I was terrified to cut my hair... Because having short hair meant I wasn't the best I could be....
This Belief only Included Me...
I loved the look of short hair on others. I would get excited after a big cut on a client and rave at how good it looked.
But if I did that.... I could NEVER!
I Was Done Believing...
I was ready to change what the voice in my head tells me.
My hairstylist told me to lower my head, - as they should in a haircut appointment.
She took the first snip, and I closed my eyes. I took a deep breath as they piece of hair fell to the floor. The soft brush of her hands as she moved across, cutting each section of hair.... That was terrifying, I felt the fear.... But I also let that fear and belief hit the floor as my hair hit the floor.

I was letting go.
The relief that came from cutting my hair has been amazing. But has also been a little bit of a challenge to my mind.
That belief is still there, I can feel it. But I'm not allowing it control me anymore.
The thought may come, but I allow it to flow right by.
I'm still processing my emotions with this decision, but I would do it again....