June’s full moon is the last before the Summer Solstice. It is a time of enjoyment, growth, pleasure, dreams, desires, and motivation. It is the perfect time to set your goals and intentions moving forward. A great way to do this is to create a vision board.
You can go for a physical vision board with printed pictures or images cut from magazines. This is more effort to acquire the needed materials. But having a physical board allows you to place it somewhere you can see it often, making it a more constant reminder of your intentions.
Another great option that is a little more accessible is Pinterest. There are endless images to be found and pinned onto your vision board. It can be accessed through your computer or your phone. You can essentially take your vision board with you everywhere you go. However, you will have to remember to pull it up to review it instead of having it out in the open to see.
Decide which option works best for you and get dreaming! No dream is too big for your vision. This is your life. Make it what you want. Make your board as big or as small as you want. But remember to look at it regularly. Remind yourself of what you want and desire in your life. You deserve the life you dream of. The life that brings you so much joy and purpose and meaning.
Remember. You deserve to care for yourself, inside and out. Take that time. You are incredible. You can do it. Have a wonderful Honey Moon! I love you.