We have all heard of the many ways that crystals can help in our daily lives, but crystals aren't the only thing that can hold energy.
I believe that anything that is of a natural substance can hold energy for you. You just have to know how to harness it.
Take a deep breath, focus on that breath. It is something we do every day without even thinking about it, but when you really take the time to focus on your breath as it fill your lungs and then escapes from your lips...
There is so much more.
Your hair holds so much power within, we just haven't really tapped into it all.
The most important thing, is to really take care of your hair. It is as precious as a gem, it's your crown for god's sake. Treat it like one!
I know very well that you wouldn't spit shine a crown, you would polish that shit.
So why are we spit shining our hair with shit product?
I promise you, good product does wonders for your hair. It's that good polish instead of spit.
Don't buy your hair care products from drug stores, who the hell knows what is in that bottle.
Don't buy your hair care products from Amazon... There is so much that can happen. It might look like you are buying the product from the "big brand" but if you really look into it, you'll probably be buying it from a warehouse that is REBOTTLING it.
Which means that "big brand" you just bought really isn't what it says it is.... It's expired, it's fake. I DO NOT TRUST THOSE PRODUCTS.
There have been some bottles that have found feces inside. Don't be putting that on your hair.
I will be making my own product line. I want to know everything that is going inside my product. I am excited for this adventure and to be able to help keep your hair nice and healthy and loved.
I will be putting only the best ingredients in my products. Allowing you to care for your gorgeous locks and protect that stunning color.
Protecting your hair also protects the power and energy within. Harness that power!
Let you hair doing the talking!