I always remember being told as a child that I had very good patience, I was so good at being patient. I seriously heard it all the time. Adults would always tell me how impressed they were with the patience that I seemed to have.
I don't know about that anymore. I do not have the patience within my career.
Now will I take 4 hours to make sure your hair looks perfect and just how you want? Yes for sure! Will I add millions of foils into your hair just to give you have perfect blonde that blends amazingly so that you can grow it out for as long as your want? 1000% YES!
That I have patience for.
But then it comes to upgrading my business.... I just want to add things as soon as I can, I don't want to wait.
The biggest thing that is hitting me right now is that fact that I want my own salon. I want to create a space that I would have loved as a stylist.
I want to be able to help change the industry and give these amazing professional the benefits that they deserve.
And this goal is always popping into my head. Anytime I see an open space, I think of how that would be for my salon.
I see suites that are open and think to myself that I could move there and get a bigger space to give my guests more in their services.
I just want to start my salon now. And I'm sure that I would be able to push through and make it work. It sure a hell would be a bumpy road, but I would do it. I would figured it out on the way. I KNOW I COULD DO IT.
The smarter plan, is to plan and be patient. I need to allow the salon owner life to come to me. I need to plan everything out.
Figure out what rules and culture I would want within the salon. I need to make sure I have the idea 100% in my mind before jumping. I know that, but my heart just wants to jump and have a salon right now..... Why must I wait?
I actually did a tarot reading on myself last night and a card that hit me hard was called Adrift. She was telling me that I needed to just float, let the motion of the ocean take me to where I need to go. She told me that I needed to make that choice to just let the waves take control, which is a hard choice in itself. And another card that I pulled was telling me to breathe, so......
I am here. Breathing. And letting the ocean guide me to where I need to go, instead of forcing my way to my goals.
Sometimes choosing to give up control can be a huge blessing. So let's see where these waves take me in my life.