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Hair Care is Self Care
Below you will find the best ways to take care of yourself and your hair.

Megs Judd
May 4, 20232 min read
Flower Full Moon Self-Care: Blooming by Letting Go
May’s full moon is named the Flower Moon as it is a time of growth, blooming, and moving forward.

Megs Judd
Mar 6, 20232 min read
Worm Moon Self-Care: Soak up Some Nature
Learn how to work with the full moon.
Taking some time to be outside has many benefits for your physical and mental health.

Chelsea Mahala
Feb 22, 20232 min read
When and How Do I Self-Care?
Self care is different for everyone and nothing will be good for everyone. Find what works for you and create the life you want to live!

Chelsea Mahala
Feb 2, 20233 min read
Learning a Powerful Lesson Simply by Cutting My Hair.
My personal experience by choosing to cut my hair. It's been a journey and I am enjoying everything I am learning as I go.

McKenna Graham
Apr 15, 20222 min read
The Pink Moon and New Beginnings
It’s important to note, boundaries are not strict rules of engagement for the people in our lives. Boundaries are a way to take care of you

McKenna Graham
Feb 4, 20223 min read
Power of the Snow Moon and What You Can Do to Conquer This Month 🌙
Here are some rituals to help you reset and re-evaluate how you can use the power of the snow moon to step into your own power.

Chelsea Mahala
Jan 20, 20224 min read
✨ Step Into Your Power 🌙
Step into your power!
Create the life you want!
Be who you desire!

Chelsea Mahala
Dec 16, 20212 min read
Harness the Power of your Hair
Taking care of your hair is the best way to harness the power! Your hair hold energy and you have the ability to use that energy daily.
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